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Scrabble Set: Scrabble Board Game

Scrabble Set: Scrabble Board Game

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Scrabble Set: Scrabble Board Game

Scrabble is a fun and traditional word game. The goal is to score the most points by connecting words created by your fellow players on a board. Scrabble requires at least one other player. You’ll also need an official Scrabble board and all of its accessories. You create words, earn points, challenge opponents, and even exchange tiles if yours aren’t working for you as you play the game. Throughout the game, a scorekeeper tabulates each player’s points to evaluate who will win at the end. If you become a fan of the game, you should consider inviting your friends to come with you constantly, join a club, or compete in a tournament. 

Who Invented Scrabble?

Scrabble was generated during the Great Depression in 1933 by an unemployed New York architect named Alfred Mosher Butts, who reasoned that Americans could use a little distraction during the difficult economic times. He combined board games, numbers games like dice or cards, and letter games like crossword puzzles after defining what he thought were the most enduring games in history. The frequency and allocation of the tiles were then determined by counting letters on the pages of the New York Times, The Saturday Evening Post, and the New York Herald Tribune. For over a decade, he tinkered with the rules in an attempt — and repeatedly failing — to lure a corporate sponsor. The Patent Office rejected his application twice, and he couldn’t find a name. He first called his creation “it,” then “Lexiko,” and finally “Criss-Cross Words.” 

How to Play Scrabble?

The goal of Scrabble is to get the most points by making words. These words are created by arranging lettered tiles on a grid. Each tile has a point value, and you accumulate points by attempting to get the most points out of your word. Players build off at least one tile in each other’s words until no more words can be built.

How to Play Scrabble?

The Scrabble game can be played by 2 to 4 people simultaneously, though tournament play is always one-on-one. The game comprises four basic components:  The board is a grid with a star in the center, where the game begins, and bonus squares are scattered around it.


The tiles are the game pieces. The game includes 100 tiles, each with a different letter and point value. Common letters have more tiles but fewer points, such as E. Uncommon letters, such as Q and Z, have only one tile. The point values of tiles range from 0 to 10. When the two tiles that aren’t good enough to justify any points are laid down on the board, they can be interpreted as any letter in the alphabet. Although they aren’t worth anything, knowing how to use them strategically can be handy when you’re missing that one letter needed to build a word.

Letter Bag 

The letter bag is used to store all unused tiles. Players draw tiles from this bag during gameplay. Each player receives a rack for his or her tiles. The rack allows a player to plan his or her next move without revealing what tiles he or she has. A timer may also be included in games if the players wish to limit the length of a player’s turn.

Take Scrabble Game to the Next Level

For challenges, players must also have a dictionary on hand. Players should agree to use a standard dictionary or the Official Scrabble Players’ Dictionary. 

Research Computer Software

Any Scrabble player will tell you that there are times when they stare at their seven letters, unable to come up with a word for their next move. According to UnscrambleWords.net, some people use computer software to see what their brains cannot. These programs employ a proprietary algorithm to examine a person’s ‘hand’ and identify any words that can be used. People find that this gives them an advantage against clever opponents while expanding their vocabulary.

Learn From the Masters

Play against a friend who is a “machine” at Scrabble, or sit and watch their every move. Scrabble tournaments can be both educational and entertaining for this reason.

Much information and assistance are available online in this day and age. If someone idolizes a Scrabble player, they should see if they have written a book or kept a blog. YouTube has tutorial videos on almost everything, so look there as well. Because it combines the auditory and visual, this can be an excellent learning tool.

Track the Tiles

If experts use this strategy, why shouldn’t any aspirational player? Simply jot down all 100 tiles included with the Scrabble game. Cross each tile off the list as it is added to the board.

There may come a time when all of the spare tiles in the bag have been removed. Assume there are two people involved in this game. The player crosses off their unused letters using the tile track. What remains is the opponent’s hand. This can help strategically use words that will not give their opponent an edge! 


Some words can be lengthened by inserting a letter or letters at the beginning or end. These are referred to as prefixes and suffixes. It could be as simple as making the word plural by adding an’s’ or changing ‘look’ to ‘looking’. To gain more points, the word ‘aging’ could be expanded to ‘antiaging.’

When a person begins to think this way, the door to greater possibilities and gains opens. ‘Host’ is changed to ‘ghost,’ and ‘layer’ is changed to ‘slayer.’ ‘Airline’ becomes ‘hairline,’ and ‘slander’ becomes ‘islander.’ 

Rack Balancing

Players may be encouraged to play a hand if they come across a good word with many points. However, this is a short-sighted strategy if this results in a stack of unusable letters. A person may be better off sacrificing a good word to balance their rest letter portfolio. Put down an even spread of vowels and consonants, leaving an equal spread behind.

Individuals who invest time learning new words for Scrabble may prefer words that are heavy on vowels or consonants. These new additions to a person’s vocabulary may help them get out of a tough situation in the future.

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