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5 Types of Water Filters and How They Work

Different Types of Water Filters and how they work?

by MWP
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Types of Water Filters and How They Work

Water filtration is a booming sector, and more and more Australian homeowners are realising the many benefits of filtering their water supply. In this short article, we offer valuable information about the various types of domestic water filtration systems currently used in homes worldwide.

What are the different types of water filters, and how do they work?

Mechanical Filters

A mechanical filter is primarily used to remove sediment by providing a range of barriers to trap large sediment, with complex ceramic barriers that can remove smaller organisms. There are affordable online filtered water solutions available in Australia that work for most people.

Categories or ratings:-

  • 5 microns – This removes particles that are visible to the naked eye.
  • 1 micron – Removes particles that can be seen under a microscope.
  • 0.5 micron – Removes small particles, including cysts.

Mechanical filters were once the only option for homeowners, yet we now have numerous other alternatives. For some, a 5-micron rating is sufficient; contact a water filtration specialist and let him look at your home.


Carbon is very effective as a water filtration material; the latest absorption water filter generation uses Granulated Active Carbon (GAC), which removes odors and tastes, trapping chemical elements such as chlorine. Top-rated systems use carbon blocks that water must pass through, which is a very effective way to filter your water.

It wasn’t that long ago when natives used cloth and other materials to filter stream water; farms may use absorption to filter water; if you would like to learn more about the various water filtration systems, start with a Google search to locate a leading Australian water filtration company and view the range of systems on offer. Click here for tips to improve the quality of your life.

Reverse Osmosis

This system filters water by forcing it through a special membrane, which only requires water pressure, not electricity, keeping costs down. A popular water filtration solution that gives you 99.99% pure water, RO systems offer effective water filtration at a reasonable price, and with minimum maintenance, it ticks the boxes for many homeowners. For the best RO water filtration systems, search online for a leading Australian supplier of premium water filtration systems that include whole-house solutions.

Ion Exchange

You are primarily used to ‘soften’ hard water, exchanging the magnesium and calcium ions with sodium and hydrogen ions, thus removing the hard minerals. A special resin is used, and filters must be replaced at intervals. Filters typically come in fixed units, so you have no choice but to buy replacements, which isn’t good. Alkaline and ionized water promote bone growth and digestive health; alkaline ionizers do not normally have good filtration, so you might need a separate system to filter out certain elements. If you contact a water filtration company, they can recommend a suitable system.


This refers to using a chemical to isolate a substance; food-grade water supplies typically use sequestration systems, while it is also used to soften water. In commercial operations, sequestration plays a vital role by removing certain elements from water used to manufacture processed foods. The use of polyphosphate improves the overall quality of the water, which also eliminates corrosion and limescale, making it very effective with well water. Many Australian homes are in remote areas where the national water main system has yet to reach, requiring water filtration systems. 

Clean and Drinkable Water

If you and your family are health-conscious, you are probably spending a small fortune on bottled drinking water, and for a reasonable investment, you can have chilled, sparkling water at your fingertips. Systems are tailored to suit your needs, whether a large office complex or a studio apartment; a leading Australian water filtration system provider has all the solutions.

Rainwater Filtration

There are systems that filter rainwater; many rural homeowners harvest rainwater using cheap and effective filtration. Some systems work with both mains and rainwater, with whole-house solutions installed by professionals. Harvesting rainwater is an eco-friendly way to make the best use of natural resources, and if we all do what we can to harvest rainwater, this will help the planet.


We hope that this short article helps you to choose the right water filtration system for your home or business. The best solution is to talk to a leading Australian company that offers a wide range of water filtration systems; they would be happy to send a technician to your home to discuss the options. Once an agreement has been reached, the system is installed, and you have pure drinking water.

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