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Snapchat Plus Planet: What is Snapchat Planets?

What is Snapchat Planets?

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Snapchat Plus Planet: What is Snapchat Planets?

Have you ever encountered the term “SPP” or “Snapchat Plus Planet”? If so, you might be familiar with Snapchat Planets. Don’t worry if it’s new to you – we’re here to delve into this exciting feature in detail.

Discovering the Planetary System on Snapchat | What is Snapchat Planets?

Snapchat’s Friends planet system is designed to resemble our solar system. It closely mimics the arrangement of planets in our solar system, making it easy for anyone familiar with it to grasp the concept of Snapchat planets. In this unique solar system within Snapchat Plus, your friends become the planets, and you become the sun.

What is Snapchat Planets plus

The first planet represents the person closest to you in terms of friendship. Snapchat Plus determines this based on the number of streaks shared. Your closest companion holds this significant position as they are the ones with whom you share the strongest connection.

Subsequent planets are assigned to your other Snapchat friends in descending order of closeness. It’s important to note that the planetary system is purely symbolic and meant to add a touch of fun to your friendships. This exclusive feature is available only on Snapchat Plus.

Decoding the Planetary Icons on Snapchat Plus

With Snapchat Plus, you have the ability to send a “planet” to your friends, expressing the depth of your bond. Here’s how Snapchat Plus displays your friend list:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – these are the eight planets that represent your closest Snapchat pals. These planets signify the level of intimacy you share with each of them. They are the individuals you engage with most on Snapchat, your cherished “best friends” or “planets.”

To identify a best friend, a gold ring adorns their profile. Being “Best Friends” means you rank among their top eight closest friends while being “Friends” indicates you are among their top four.

What is Snapchat Planets plus

Introducing Snapchat Plus: What’s It All About?

By upgrading to Snapchat Plus, users gain access to many premium features. Snapchat offers monthly subscription plans for iOS and Android users in the United States. The subscription options include monthly, six-month, and annual plans, priced at $3.99, $21.99, and $39.99, respectively. Moreover, a free 7-day trial subscription is also available.

Snapchat Plus introduces captivating additions such as customizable app icons, the ability to see who has rewatched your story, and the option to designate specific friends as “BFFs.” While a monthly subscription eliminates ads, Jacob Andreou, Snapchat’s vice president of business development, emphasized that ads will continue to be an integral part of their revenue strategy for the foreseeable future.

Unraveling the Planetary Order on Snapchat

If you were an avid Snapchat or Instagram user in 2016, you might have explored the captivating Planet Lenses introduced that year. These augmented reality filters allow you to transform your surroundings into something otherworldly. Currently, there are four distinct planetary lenses to choose from.

Each planet offers a unique experience, allowing you to embark on an interplanetary journey. Which planet would you choose to visit first? Let’s make this decision easier with a quick guide:-


As the closest planet to Earth in our solar system, Mercury represents your top streak friend. This person holds a special place in your life, your closest confidant. You can identify them by the visual indicator of a “Pink planet with red hearts.”


Situated directly opposite Mercury in the Snapchat solar system, Venus represents the friend with whom you share an extensive streak. Their username is displayed here, and the planet is depicted as “Beige with Yellow, Blue, and Pink Hearts.”


Just like the third planet in our solar system, the Snapchat user in this position is called “Earth.” This planet is adorned with a greenish-blue hue, complemented by red moons and hearts.


Mars, the fourth planet, represents your fourth-best friend in the solar system. On Snapchat Plus, this planet is depicted with red, blue, and purple hearts.


Being the fifth planet, Jupiter naturally represents your fifth-best friend on Snapchat. It takes on an orange color, though it lacks a beating heart.


True to its name, Saturn is your sixth closest friend on Snapchat, with its avatar appearing as a “yellow planet with a ring.”


The bitmoji to the right of Uranus represents your seventh-best friend in the solar system. Uranus takes the form of a heartless green planet.


Neptune displays your eight closest Snapchat friends list, representing the farthest planet from the sun. This planet is characterized by its blue hue, devoid of any hearts.

Embrace Snapchat Plus and Unlock New Friendships

Underneath your friend’s Bitmoji image on their profile, you’ll find a “Best Friends” or “Friends” badge with a gold border if you have a linked Bitmoji. This badge indicates that you are part of their close friend circle.


You are included in each other’s solar system of close friends, although you may not be each other’s closest companions. 

Best Friends:-

You and your friend share a deep connection and are like intimate friends who truly understand each other. By clicking on this badge, you can find out which planet you are assigned to.

In Conclusion

Our journey through the Snapchat Galaxy has come to a close. It’s fascinating to imagine your friend list as an actual solar system, with Mercury symbolizing your closest friend as the planet nearest to the sun. Neptune, the final member of this planetary system, represents your eighth-best buddy.

Also Read:- find snap chat friends

Frequently asked questions about Snapchat Plus and Snapchat Planets

Q. What is Snapchat Plus?

Ans:- Snapchat Plus is a premium version of Snapchat that offers additional features and functionalities. It requires a monthly subscription and provides benefits such as customizable app icons, seeing who has rewatched your story, and the option to designate specific friends as “BFFs.”

Q. What are Snapchat Planets?

Ans:- Snapchat Planets is a unique feature within Snapchat Plus, representing your friends in a symbolic solar system. Each friend is assigned a planet based on their level of closeness, with the closest friend represented by the first planet. It adds a fun and visual way to visualize your friendships within the app.

Q. How do I identify my best friends on Snapchat Plus?

Ans:- On Snapchat Plus, your best friends are represented by a gold ring on their friendship profile. Being a best friend means you are among their top eight closest friends. Additionally, the planetary icons assigned to your eight closest friends indicate their level of friendship and interaction with you.

Q. What is the cost of Snapchat Plus?

Ans:- Snapchat Plus offers monthly subscription plans and six-month and annual options. In the United States, the monthly plan costs $3.99, the six-month plan costs $21.99, and the annual plan costs $39.99. A free 7-day trial subscription allows users to try the premium features before committing to a subscription.

Q. Snap Inc. vs. Planet Order Inc.

Ans:- Do you have any questions about the planetary order on Snapchat Plus? We’re here to provide the answers.

Q. Could you explain what Snapchat is and why people ask about it?

Ans:- Snapchat was created as an entertaining way for users to engage with each other. It primarily functions on mobile phones and tablets, available on Android and iOS platforms. Users can exchange short multimedia clips, called “Snaps,” with one another.

Q. What exactly is Planet Order in Snapchat?

Ans:- Imagine a solar system where each planet signifies closeness between you and your friends.

Q. What does Neptune represent in the Snapchat Solar System?

Ans:- In the Snapchat Solar System, the blue planet Neptune holds the eighth position. It symbolizes the eighth friend in your list, similar to Neptune, the eighth planet in our Solar System.

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