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Parentsalarm: Enhancing School Administration with ParentsAlarm

Enhancing School Administration with ParentsAlarm

by MWP
Enhancing School Administration with ParentsAlarm

ParentsAlarm is a cloud-based school administration program designed to streamline communication and enhance parental involvement. Among its many features, the integrated digital portal offers solutions for student, library, transit, and account administration. With ParentsAlarm, school administrators can send regular updates to parents, ensuring they stay informed about their children’s academic progress, overdue fees, library books, disciplinary actions, results, and assignments.

Efficient Communication with Parents & Enhancing School Administration with ParentsAlarm

Enhancing Parent-Teacher Communication

ParentsAlarm empowers administrators to provide timely information to parents, including details about upcoming exams, holidays, and academic events. The software also includes a missed call alert system, enabling real-time GPS tracking of school buses for parents’ peace of mind. Additionally, teachers can generate analytical reports, monitor attendance, and enforce proper behavior in class according to the CCE rules.

ParentsAlarm.com in T Nagar, Chennai

ParentsAlarm.com, located in T Nagar, Chennai, has been a trusted name in school administration since its establishment in 2009. Situated near Canara Bank at New No. 48 and Old No. 55 Burkit Road, this reputable establishment prioritizes customer satisfaction by delivering excellent goods and services. Accepted payment options, such as Cash, Mastercard, Visa, Debit Cards, Cheques, American Express Cards, and Credit Cards, ensure smooth and uncomplicated transactions, making ParentsAlarm.com a convenient choice for schools.

Key Features of ParentsAlarm

Attendance Management

ParentsAlarm’s attendance tracking feature allows school officials to easily monitor students’ regular attendance and promptly inform parents about any concerns or improvements.

Monitoring of Location

ParentsAlarm’s missed call alert system enables precise tracking of school bus whereabouts, providing parents with real-time updates on their children’s transportation.

Transportation Management

ParentsAlarm simplifies transportation management by facilitating bus fleet management, trip tracking, and driver accountability, ensuring safe and efficient student transportation.

Performance Management

ParentsAlarm’s performance management feature allows the school administration to provide regular updates to parents regarding their children’s academic achievements, enabling them to stay engaged in their educational journey.

Control of Exams

Teachers can use ParentsAlarm to enter information about upcoming exams, recommended reading materials, previous test questions, and other relevant details, keeping parents well-informed about their children’s examination requirements.

Homework Management

ParentsAlarm’s homework management feature empowers teachers to upload assignments, projects, and supplementary materials for students to download and complete, fostering a seamless communication channel between teachers, parents, and students.


ParentsAlarm’s announcement feature enables school administrations to broadcast messages efficiently, publish circulars, and communicate policy changes through the digital portal, ensuring effective communication with parents.

Mobile Application

ParentsAlarm’s user-friendly smartphone application allows parents to stay connected and informed about their children’s progress, providing a convenient platform for communication with school leadership.

Our Intelligent Features

Report on Instant Attendance

ParentsAlarm’s “Report on Instant Attendance” feature provides parents instant access to their child’s daily and monthly attendance information via SMS and mobile apps, enabling them to stay updated on their child’s attendance records.

Bus Location Monitoring

With ParentsAlarm’s “Bus Location Monitoring” feature, parents can easily determine the specific location of the school bus by simply giving a missed call and minimizing waiting times at bus stops.

Admin Tools for Schools

ParentsAlarm’s “Admin Tools for Schools” encompasses various functionalities, including online registration, account management, role, permission-based setups, and GPS vehicle tracking, simplifying school administrative tasks.

Application Case

ParentsAlarm’s “Application Case” feature offers numerous setup options and provides chart-based student analysis data to facilitate the implementation of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) practices.

Smartphone Application

ParentsAlarm’s intuitive, intelligent, and user-friendly smartphone application lets parents stay connected with schools in real time, enhancing communication and fostering parental involvement.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Parentsalarm

Q. What is ParentsAlarm?

Ans:- ParentsAlarm is a cloud-based school administration program that enhances communication and streamlines administrative tasks.

Q. How does ParentsAlarm benefit parents?

Ans:- ParentsAlarm informs parents about their children’s academic progress, overdue fees, library books, disciplinary actions, results, and assignments.

Q. Can ParentsAlarm help schools save time and work more efficiently?

Ans:- ParentsAlarm automates admissions, attendance management, transportation tracking, and homework management, saving time and improving efficiency.

Q. Does ParentsAlarm have a mobile application?

Ans:- Yes, ParentsAlarm provides a user-friendly smartphone application for parents to stay connected with schools in real time.

Q. How does ParentsAlarm ensure the safety of students during transportation?

Ans:- ParentsAlarm incorporates a missed call alert system for real-time GPS tracking of school buses, ensuring the safety of students.

Q. Can ParentsAlarm help teachers in managing exams and assignments?

Ans:- ParentsAlarm allows teachers to enter exam details, recommended reading materials, and upload student assignments.

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